Kamis, 17 November 2011

Paradiso of Bukittinggi

Bukttinggi is one of city in West Sumatra province. Bukittnggi femous with Minangkabau ethnic. It is located in western coast of Sumatera.  with high 904-941 m on the sea make bukitttinggi have fresh air with temperature 16-23 degree celcius. Bukittinggi around with three Marapi mountain ,  Singgalan mountain and , Sago mountain which called Tri Arga.
Bukittinggi map
          Bukittinggi known as a “ kota wisata: because has a natural recreation such as  Jam Gadang, Lubang Japang, and Ngarai sianok. Jam gadang know as landmark of Bukittinggi. If you want to Bukittinggi don’t forget to visit that.  Its located in the Sabai Nan Aluih Park in front of Tri Arga place.
Jam Gadang. Symbol of Bukittinggi
 Beside of Jam Gadang Bukittinggi also have Lubang Japang is tunnel under land which build by Japan in 1942 for defense of Japanese soldiers. Now we can enter Lubang Japang to explore the tunnel, you can feel unique sensation in there. On Lubang Japang you can find dining room, torture room, kitchen and weapon room.
Japanese Tunel
          If u want to Bukittinggi don’t forget to visit Sianok Canyon. It’s located  about 2 km from center of the town. We can enjoy the beautiful and amazing view from Panorama Park. One of the example is Sianok Canyon with Singgalang mountain as it’s background. It present very beautiful view. You can find fresh air and friendly people there. You can buy some special Bukittinggi souvenir near the Sianok Canyon.
Amazing view of Sianok Canyon
Bukittinggi famous with spicy food. The most famous food from Bukttinggi is randang, dendeng, and asam padeh. Beside spicy food, there are special gift brought back from a trip such as kipang kacang, karak kaliang, and keripik balado. If you have a long holiday you can spent your holiday in Bukittinggi. You will feel fun in holiday anf can’t forget that.

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